版本:v4.0 最新版大小:14KB
类别: 图像转换 系统:WinAll, WinXP
立即下载xnb exporter是一款XNB转PNG插件,有了它以后,用户就可以非常便捷的将xnb的文件转换为PNG图片格式,非常的方便实用,欢迎有需要的朋友到绿色资源网下载使用!
xNb出口商是简陋的程序转换。xNb PNG图像文件。这不是幻想,但做的工作。请注意,您不能转换。PNG图像恢复。这一计划xNb文件。理论上这些出口商应与已用XNA Game Studio 3、3.1出口任何xNb图像,或4如果您使用正确的出口。
1. Open the correct XNB Exporter for version of XNB file you are converting from.
2. Type the name of the .XNB file into the text field without the .XNB extension and press "Go for it!". For example to convert "image.xnb" file, you would type in "image".
2b. Alternatively to convert all available .XNB files in the same folder where the executable is, simply leave the text field empty and press "Go for it!".
3. The specified .XNB files will now be converted to .PNG images and saved in the same folder where the original files are with the same names.
Attempting to convert an XMB image that is the wrong version will lead to the program crashing.